Python Practice Problems for Beginners


It’s widely used in web development, data science, artificial intelligence, automation, and much more. If you’re just starting with Python, practicing small problems is a great way to strengthen your understanding of coding concepts.

Many beginners make the mistake of only reading about Python or watching tutorials without actually writing code. While learning theory is essential, hands-on practice is the key to mastering Python. When you solve problems, you develop logical thinking, learn debugging skills, and get comfortable with Python syntax.

This article will walk you through 20 practice problems, ranging from basic to slightly advanced. These problems will help you understand fundamental programming concepts like loops, conditionals, functions, recursion, and list manipulation. Each problem will be explained in detail, with different approaches for solving it.

By the end of this guide, you’ll gain confidence in writing Python programs and be ready to tackle more complex challenges. Whether you’re preparing for coding interviews, working on personal projects, or just honing your problem-solving skills, these exercises will set a strong foundation. So, let’s dive in.

2. Understanding Python Basics

Before jumping into the problems, let’s briefly go over some essential Python concepts that you need to be familiar with.

Variables and Data Types

In Python, variables store data values. Unlike other programming languages, you don’t need to declare a variable’s type explicitly.


x = 10       # Integer

y = 3.14     # Float

name = “John” # String

is_valid = True # Boolean

Understanding data types is crucial because Python treats them differently when performing operations.

Basic Input and Output


name = input(“Enter your name: “)

print(“Hello, ” + name + “!”)

User input is always read as a string, so conversion may be necessary:


age = int(input(“Enter your age: “)) # Converts string input to an integer

print(“Next year, you will be”, age + 1)

Comments and Indentation

Python uses indentation instead of curly braces {} to define blocks of code. This makes the code more readable but requires careful formatting.


if age >= 18:

    print(“You are an adult.”)  # Indented properly

Comments are essential for explaining your code.


# This is a single-line comment


This is a multi-line comment

or a docstring.


3. Problem 1: Printing "Hello, World!"

Why This Problem?

The first step in any programming language is learning how to print output to the screen. This simple exercise helps beginners understand the print() function.

Solution and Explanation

The simplest way to print a message in Python is:


print(“Hello, World!”)

When you run this program, it displays:

Hello, World!

Variations of Printing Output

Printing multiple strings:


print(“Hello”, “World!”)



Hello World!

Using string concatenation:


print(“Hello” + ” ” + “World!”)

Using formatted strings (f-strings):


name = “Alice”

print(f”Hello, {name}!”)

Hands-on Practice

Try modifying the program to:

Print your own name instead of “World”

Print multiple lines using \n

Experiment with different ways of formatting

Python4. Problem 2: Simple Arithmetic Operations

name = “Alice”

print(f”Hello, {name}!”)

Hands-on Practice

Try modifying the program to:

Print your own name instead of “World”

Print multiple lines using \n

Experiment with different ways of formatting

Why This Problem?

Arithmetic operations form the foundation of programming logic. Understanding how to manipulate numbers is crucial for writing effective Python programs.

Solution and Explanation

Python supports basic arithmetic operations:


a = 10

b = 5

print(“Addition:”, a + b)

print(“Subtraction:”, a – b)

print(“Multiplication:”, a * b)

print(“Division:”, a / b)

Using input() for User Input

Let’s create a program that asks the user to enter two numbers and performs arithmetic operations:


num1 = float(input(“Enter first number: “))

num2 = float(input(“Enter second number: “))

print(“Sum:”, num1 + num2)

print(“Difference:”, num1 – num2)

print(“Product:”, num1 * num2)

print(“Quotient:”, num1 / num2)

Hands-on Practice

Modify the program to:

Add a modulus (%) operation

Round the results to two decimal places using round()

5. Problem 3: Swapping Two Variables

Why This Problem?

Swapping two variables is a classic problem that helps beginners understand assignment operations and memory management.

Solution and Explanation

The traditional method of swapping two variables uses a temporary variable:


a = 5

b = 10

temp = a

a = b

b = temp

Pythonic Approach: Tuple Unpacking

Real-World Applications

Swapping elements in sorting algorithms

Data structure manipulations

Hands-on Practice

Try swapping variables without using a temporary variable or tuple unpacking.

6. Problem 4: Checking Even or Odd Numbers

if a >= b and a >= c:Why This Problem?

Determining whether a number is even or odd is one of the first logic-based problems a beginner encounters. It introduces the modulus operator (%), conditional statements, and user input handling.

Solution and Explanation

Otherwise, it is odd.


num = int(input(“Enter a number: “))

if num % 2 == 0:

    print(num, “is even.”)


    print(num, “is odd.”)

Understanding the Modulus Operator (%)

The modulus operator gives the remainder when one number is divided by another.

10 % 2 = 0 (Even)

15 % 2 = 1 (Odd)

Handling Edge Cases

What if the user enters 0? (It’s even.)

What about negative numbers? (Still works the same way.)

Hands-on Practice

Modify the program to check multiple numbers using a loop.

Print whether the number is positive, negative, or zero before checking even/odd.

7. Problem 5: Finding the Largest of Three Numbers

Why This Problem?

Comparing three numbers is a great way to understand conditional statements and logical comparisons.

Solution and Explanation

Using if-elif-else conditions:


a = float(input(“Enter first number: “))

b = float(input(“Enter second number: “))

c = float(input(“Enter third number: “))

    print(“Largest number is:”, a)

elif b >= a and b >= c:

    print(“Largest number is:”, b)


    print(“Largest number is:”, c)

Using Python’s max() Function

Python makes this easier with the built-in max() function:


print(“Largest number is:”, max(a, b, c))

Edge Cases and Testing

What if two or all numbers are the same?

How does it handle negative numbers?

Hands-on Practice

Modify the program to also find the smallest number using min().

8. Problem 6: Calculating the Factorial of a Number Why This Problem?

Factorials are widely used in mathematics and programming, especially in permutations, combinations, and recursion problems.

Solution and Explanation

Using a loop:


num = int(input(“Enter a number: “))

factorial = 1

if num < 0:

    <mark id=”p_9″>print(“Factorial is not defined for negative numbers.”)

elif num == 0 or num == 1:

Using Recursion

num = int(input(“Enter a number: “))

print(“Factorial of”, num, “is”, factorial(num))

Hands-on Practice

Modify the program to find factorials of multiple numbers in a loop.

Implement the solution using Python’s built-in math.factorial() function.

9. Problem 7: Generating Fibonacci Series

Why This Problem?

The Fibonacci series is a famous sequence used in problem-solving and interviews. It helps understand loops, recursion, and sequence generation.

Solution and Explanation

The Fibonacci sequence starts as:

Using a loop:


n = int(input(“Enter the number of terms: “))

a, b = 0, 1

print(“Fibonacci sequence:”)

for _ in range(n):

    print(a, end=” “)

Using Recursion

Recursion can generate the sequence but is less efficient for large values.


def fibonacci(n):

    if n <= 1:

        <mark id=”p_24″>return n

    num_terms = int(input(“Enter number of terms: “))

for i in range(num_terms):

    print(fibonacci(i), end=” “)

Hands-on Practice

Modify the loop version to store results in a list.

Optimize the recursive approach using memoization.

10. Problem 8: Checking Prime Numbers

Why This Problem?

Prime numbers play a crucial role in cryptography, mathematics, and computer science. Checking for primes efficiently is an important skill.

Solution and Explanation

Using a loop:


num = int(input(“Enter a number: “))

Optimizing the Algorithm

Instead of checking all numbers up to n, we check up to √n.

If a number has a divisor larger than √n, it must also have a smaller divisor.

Edge Cases

1 is not prime.

Negative numbers are not prime.

2 is the only even prime number.

Hands-on Practice

Modify the program to find all prime numbers within a given range.

Optimize further using the Sieve of Eratosthenes.

11. Problem 9: Reversing a Number

Why This Problem?

Reversing a number is a common problem that helps in understanding mathematical operations, loops, and string manipulation. It is often used in palindromes and encryption algorithms.

Solution and Explanation

Method 1: Using a Loop

We extract each digit one by one using the modulus and division operations.

num = int(input(“Enter a number: “))

rev = 0

while num > 0:

    remainder = num % 10

    rev = (rev * 10) + remainder

print(“Reversed number:”, rev)

Method 2: Using String Slicing

Python allows reversing strings easily using slicing:

num = input(“Enter a number: “)

print(“Reversed number:”, num[::-1])

Edge Cases

How does the program handle negative numbers?

What happens if the number has trailing zeros (e.g., 1200 → 21)?

Hands-on Practice

Modify the program to check if the reversed number is equal to the original (palindrome check).

12. Problem 10: Checking for Palindromes

Why This Problem?

Palindrome numbers and strings read the same forward and backward. This problem strengthens string manipulation and comparison skills.

Solution and Explanation

Method 1: Using String Comparison


num = input(“Enter a number: “)

if num == num[::-1]:

    print(num, “is a palindrome.”)

Method 2: Using a Loop

We reverse the number manually and check if it matches the original.


num = int(input(“Enter a number: “))

original = num

rev = 0

while num > 0:

    rev = rev * 10 + (num % 10)

    num //= 10

if original == rev:

    print(original, “is a palindrome.”)

Edge Cases

Palindrome check for strings (“madam”, “racecar”)

Handling spaces and case sensitivity (“No lemon, no melon”)

Hands-on Practice

Extend the program to check for palindromic words while ignoring case and spaces.

13. Problem 11: Finding the Sum of Digits of a Number

Why This Problem?

Summing digits is a fundamental operation used in checksum algorithms, number theory, and cryptography.

Solution and Explanation

Method 1: Using a Loop

We extract digits one by one using modulus (%) and division (//).


num = int(input(“Enter a number: “))

sum_digits = 0

while num > 0:

    sum_digits += num % 10

    num //= 10

print(“Sum of digits:”, sum_digits)

Method 2: Using Recursion


def sum_of_digits(n):

    if n == 0:

        return 0

    return (n % 10) + sum_of_digits(n // 10)

num = int(input(“Enter a number: “))

print(“Sum of digits:”, sum_of_digits(num))

Edge Cases

Handling negative numbers

Checking single-digit numbers

Hands-on Practice

Modify the program to keep summing digits until a single-digit number is reached.

14. Problem 12: Counting Vowels and Consonants in a String

Why This Problem?

This problem is useful for text processing, NLP (natural language processing), and building search algorithms.

Solution and Explanation


string = input(“Enter a string: “).lower()

vowels = “aeiou”

vowel_count = consonant_count = 0

for char in string:

    if char.isalpha():

        if char in vowels:

            vowel_count += 1


            consonant_count += 1

print(“Vowels:”, vowel_count)

print(“Consonants:”, consonant_count)

Understanding the Logic

Convert the string to lowercase to handle case sensitivity.

Use isalpha() to ignore spaces and special characters.

Edge Cases

Handling spaces, numbers, and special characters

Testing with uppercase and lowercase letters

Hands-on Practice

Modify the program to count digits and special characters separately.

15. Problem 13: Finding the Length of a String Without len()

Why This Problem?

While Python has built-in functions like len(), learning to calculate the length manually helps understand loops and iteration.

Solution and Explanation


string = input(“Enter a string: “)

count = 0

for char in string:

    count += 1

print(“Length of string:”, count)

Using a While Loop


string = input(“Enter a string: “)

index = 0

while True:



        index += 1

    except IndexError:


print(“Length of string:”, index)

Edge Cases

What happens if the string is empty?

How does it handle spaces and special characters?

Hands-on Practice

Modify the program to calculate the length of a list or tuple without using len().

16. Problem 14: Removing Duplicates from a List

Why This Problem?

This problem is important when working with data structures, as duplicate removal is common in databases, search algorithms, and machine learning preprocessing.

Solution and Explanation

Method 1: Using a Loop


numbers = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6]

unique_numbers = []

for num in numbers:

    if num not in unique_numbers:


print(“List without duplicates:”, unique_numbers)

Method 2: Using a Set

Python sets automatically remove duplicates.


numbers = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6]

unique_numbers = list(set(numbers))

print(“List without duplicates:”, unique_numbers)

Preserving Order

Sets don’t maintain order, so we can use dict.fromkeys():


numbers = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6]

unique_numbers = list(dict.fromkeys(numbers))

print(“List without duplicates:”, unique_numbers)

Hands-on Practice

Modify the program to remove duplicates from a string while preserving order.

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17. Problem 15: Checking for Anagrams

Why This Problem?

Anagrams are widely used in text processing, encryption, and language processing applications.

Solution and Explanation

An anagram is when two words contain the same letters in a different order (e.g., “listen” and “silent”).

Method 1: Sorting Approach


def is_anagram(str1, str2):

    return sorted(str1) == sorted(str2)

word1 = input(“Enter first word: “)

word2 = input(“Enter second word: “)

if is_anagram(word1.lower(), word2.lower()):

    print(“The words are anagrams.”)


    print(“The words are not anagrams.”)

Method 2: Using a Dictionary (More Efficient)


from collections import Counter

def is_anagram(str1, str2):

    return Counter(str1) == Counter(str2)

word1 = input(“Enter first word: “)

word2 = input(“Enter second word: “)

print(“Anagram:”, is_anagram(word1.lower(), word2.lower()))

Hands-on Practice

Modify the program to ignore spaces and punctuation when checking for anagrams.

18. Problem 16: Finding the Second Largest Number in a List

Why This Problem?

This is a common problem in coding interviews and helps in understanding sorting and conditional logic.

Solution and Explanation

Method 1: Sorting Approach


numbers = [12, 35, 1, 10, 34, 1]

numbers = list(set(numbers))  # Remove duplicates


print(“Second largest number:”, numbers[-2])

Method 2: Without Sorting (Efficient Approach)


numbers = [12, 35, 1, 10, 34, 1]

first, second = float(‘-inf’), float(‘-inf’)

for num in numbers:

    if num > first:

        second, first = first, num

    elif num > second and num != first:

        second = num

print(“Second largest number:”, second)

Hands-on Practice

Modify the program to find the second smallest number in the list.

19. Problem 17: Merging Two Sorted Lists

Why This Problem?

Merging sorted lists is fundamental in sorting algorithms like Merge Sort and is commonly used in database operations.

Solution and Explanation

Method 1: Using sorted()


list1 = [1, 3, 5, 7]

list2 = [2, 4, 6, 8]

merged_list = sorted(list1 + list2)

print(“Merged sorted list:”, merged_list)

Method 2: Using Two-Pointer Approach (More Efficient)


list1 = [1, 3, 5, 7]

list2 = [2, 4, 6, 8]

merged_list = []

i, j = 0, 0

while i < len(list1) and j < len(list2):

    if list1[i] < list2[j]:

        <mark id=”p_42″>merged_list.append(list1[i])

        i += 1



        j += 1



print(“Merged sorted list:”, merged_list)

20. Conclusion

We’ve covered a variety of Python practice problems that introduce you to key concepts such as:

Basic operations: Printing, arithmetic, swapping

Logical conditions: Even/odd, largest number, prime numbers

Loops and recursion: Factorials, Fibonacci, sum of digits

String and list operations: Palindromes, anagrams, merging lists

Why Practice Is Important?

Solving coding problems helps you build problem-solving skills and prepare for interviews and real-world programming challenges.

What’s Next?

Now that you have completed these beginner-level problems, you can:

Try intermediate challenges like sorting algorithms, recursion problems, and object-oriented programming.

Explore platforms like LeetCode, CodeWars, and HackerRank for more practice.

Work on small projects like a to-do list app, calculator, or text-based game.


1. Who is this for?

This is for beginners who want to practice Python and build confidence in coding. No prior experience is needed

These problems cover basic Python concepts like variables, loops, conditionals, functions, lists, and more.

No, you only need Python installed on your computer or you can use an online Python compiler.

They are beginner-friendly, starting from simple exercises and gradually increasing in difficulty.

Yes! Many problems include solutions and explanations to help you learn effectively.

Yes! While they are beginner-focused, they help build problem-solving skills useful for technical interviews.

Practice consistently, read explanations, and try modifying problems to explore different solutions.

You can use online platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, or free Python coding

No, most problems require only basic arithmetic and logical thinking.

Yes! These problems are great for self-learning and can be used by teachers for classroom exercises.

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